Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dichotomy of learning

Just as we are getting back to the regular grind of lectures with assignments and projects piling up I happened to realize that when asked questions on the subjects that we were pushed to study last semester; uproar of answers come for questions asked on Economics and Operations Management. This observation further prompted me to contemplate in depth the reasons for such revelation.
I personally believe that an author’s greatest quality, and one which illuminates all his writings is the ability to talk to the reader and not at him. And Mankiw successfully links various economic concepts seamlessly ensuring continuity and grasping the reader’s attention with eloquent ease. Never thought demand, supply, equilibrium and competition would be so mind stimulating.
While one author did the trick in economics it is the absolute reverse in case of Operations. No one book was thought suffice to understand concepts and in the end we all ended up UNDERSTANDING the concepts from the power point presentations. Also brownie points for the manner in which we were provoked to think on our own and relate and interlink concepts; a relief from the usual mugging style of learning. Also the exam paper  put all students at par strictly testing the application of knowledge and not the “whoever mugged and reproduced scores best” archaic form of answering papers.  
And as I come to terms with the dichotomy of learning methods in MBA I wish in the end we all are blessed with more, correct and sufficient knowledge.


  1. 'Also the exam paper put all students at par strictly testing the application of knowledge...'- was it so??? the worst part is; to know u missed the best part :)

